According to the Mayan’s, “end of time” is scheduled to happen sometime in December 2012 but like most people I disagree. However what I do like about the Mayan’s is their famous Tzolk’in calendar which is actually 260 days compared to 365.
260 days, or roughly ~ 8 months…surprisingly is identical to my race calendar for 2012. Usually for the people who live in the northeast ~4 months out of a year is wasted under snow/ice and salt… a bit of winter hibernation, and a bit of being stuck indoors… So who knew … if I use the Mayan’s calendar, I’ll be racing all year instead of 2/3’s of it.. :P
Mayan's aside… for the 2012 calendar there has been some exciting new developments…
Although I want to cover every single detail of each news like a kid…I think I’ll keep it at a high level for now…with more details to follow in later posts.
Team Farfrumwinnin - Introducing the P1800 v2.0
I had mentioned earlier about Team Farfrumwinnin's 2nd car that Phil had acquired recently. I even had posted pictures of giant rust holes on the body where you can see asphalt down below... lets just say the car was exposed too the elements to much over the years... :)
I don't know how Phil pulled this one off...but he actually got rid of the rusted P1800 with minimum loss and found a great, structurally sound P1800 which even has a built-in roll cage.. Shipped from the west coast...Just look at this beauty
Considering that Phil has built plenty of "racing machines" in the past.. i think this car as-is... is a perfect "white canvas" for him. We are hoping to plan a few working weekends to help out sanding and prepping the car...More updates to follow soon...
Team Farfrumwinnin - FOX Test & Shakedown NJMP Track Day
While Phil is sharpening his tools...and making extra space in his garage, we just got word from Craptain Tom that the test day for the FOX on the Lemons friendly Track day at NJMS has been postponed to Feb 24, 25.
For the test day currently the driver line up is : Craptain, me, Steve, Chris and Phil. I am really looking forward to this event not just because i am excited to freeze my ass off on February in Jersey, but also to see most of the team's been quite too long since i got to hang out with 'em.
The FOX still has some head gasket and cooling problems, luckily cooling won't be a big problem in February with the avg temp ~43 F...but time will tell. Chris has some connections to help out with the engine...more to follow...
Intro - Team Sex Pistons (24 Hours of Lemons)
I was fortunate enough to get in touch with Team Sex Pistons captain Colin who operates out off the west coast.. Colin and his chief mechanic father code name "Magpie mini" have been in the lemons & chumpcar scene for quite some time.
Their theme is inspired by the famous English punk rock band Sex Pistols which i think fits the character of car perfectly. Magpie also has many years with working with old Brit cars including triumph, classic mini's etc..check out his previous toys
For the ones who don't know me, I'm a big British car fan being a proud lotus owner my self...and the moment i learned that they were racing a 1978 Triumph Spitfire 1500 i had to some how get involved :) I know its going to be slow... but whats the hurry??..when you can enjoy lap after lap close racing on a British legend :) I think it is very cool how old cars like these somehow still manage to inspire and get us excited like little kids :)
Just look at this beauty:
Currently the team is prepping the car for the 2012 season, with 1 confirmed race which will be in March 24-25 @ Infineon Raceway. I will be joining them, and i am really excited for my first west coast race...on a spitfire, @ infineon(which i will be using Iracing to practice) with a really cool bunch of people who like to wear pink mo-hawks on their racing helmet! :)
I've got 1 more important piece of news...but that will have to wait until next time... :)